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 عنوان المشاركة: باترون تريكو لجاكت انساتى قصير مشغول دائرى جميل جدا
مرسل: الجمعة يونيو 14, 2013 3:13 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

باترون تريكو لجاكت انساتى قصير مشغول دائرى جميل جدا

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

باترون تريكو لجاكت انساتى قصير مشغول دائرى جميل جدا


Size: S/M - L/XL - XXL/XXXL
Materials: 700-800-950 g colour no 7139, grey green

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40, 60 and 80 cm) SIZE 5 mm - or size needed to get 17 sts x 25 rows in moss st and 17 sts x 22 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.

See diagram A-1. Diagram shows all rows in pattern from RS.

ROUND 1: * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-*.
ROUND 2: K over P and P over K. Repeat 2nd round.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

INCREASE TIP (applies when diagram A-1 has been worked):
Inc 1 st at every marker on every inc (i.e. 12 sts inc per round) – inc before all markers the first time, second time after all markers etc. alternately upwards - inc by making 1 YO - on next round work YO twisted to avoid holes.

Worked in the round in a circle from mid back. Work on double pointed needles when inc, switch to a longer circular needle when needed.

Cast on 12 sts with Nepal and distribute them on 4 double pointed needles size 5 mm. Insert 1 marker in first st on round = mid up towards neck. K 1 round while at the same time working 2 sts in all sts = 24 sts. K 1 round without inc. On next round, work as follows: * K 1, K 2 in next st *, repeat from *-* = 36 sts. Then work according to diagram A-1 (= 6 repetitions in the round).
When A-1 has been worked, there are 216 sts on needle and piece measures approx. 20 cm from the centre and outwards. Insert 1 marker in first st (= mid up towards to neck), and then 1 marker in every 18th st the entire round (see arrows in diagram for where markers are placed) = 12 markers 17 sts apart.
Continue in stocking st over all sts – AT THE SAME TIME on 3rd round, inc 1 st at all markers – SEE INCREASE TIP! Repeat inc every 3rd round. AT THE SAME TIME when inc have been done 1-3-5 times (= 228-252-276 sts on round), cast off for shoulders and armholes on next round as follows: Cast off the first 28-30-33 sts for neck/shoulder, insert 1 marker (use another colour than the other inc markers in piece, these markers are only used when collar is sewn to shoulder), cast off the next 32-35-39 sts for armhole, work 109-123-133 sts (= down the back), cast off the next 32-35-39 sts for armhole, insert 1 marker and cast off the last 27-29-32 sts for shoulder/neck, cut the thread.
Cast on 32-35-39 sts on circular needle size 5 mm, then work on the 109-123-133 sts on needle from WS and finally cast on 32-35-39 sts in the other side = 173-193-211 sts. Then work piece back and forth on needle in stocking st – insert markers for inc in the new sts cast on to match the markers in the sts cast off for armholes. Continue inc at every marker every 3rd row as before – AT THE SAME TIME slip 2 sts at end of every row on a stitch holder without working them first. When piece measures approx. 26-29-32 cm from the centre and outwards, slip the middle 67-71-77 sts on a stitch holder (= at the bottom of back piece). NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! Finish each front piece separately.

Continue in stocking st and with inc as before over the remaining sts on needle – at the same time slip 2 sts at end of every row on to stitch holders in each side (towards bottom edge slip sts on to same stitch holder as where the 67-71-77 sts at the bottom of back piece are) until 10-15-21 cm have been worked on front piece. Slip the remaining sts on to 1 of the stitch holders. Work the other front piece the same way.

K all sts from RS back on to circular needle size 5 mm - between every time sts where slipped on stitch holders in each side get the thread and twist it before slipping it on needle (i.e. between every other st, to avoid holes in the transitions), in addition inc evenly so that there are 308-356-404 sts in total on needle. K 1 row from WS at the same time insert 17 markers in the piece as follows: Work 2 sts, insert 1 marker, * work 19-22-25 sts, insert 1 marker *, repeat from *-* until 2 sts remain after last marker, work these. K 1 row from RS. Work next row as follows (from WS): 1 st in GARTER ST – see explanation above, * K 2 (i.e. 1 st on each side of marker is worked K), 17-20-23 sts in moss st *, repeat from *-* 3 more times, ** P 2 (i.e. 1 st on each side of marker is worked P), 17-20-23 sts in moss st **, repeat from **-** 7 more times, P 2, *** 17-20-23 sts in moss st, K 2 ***, repeat from ***-*** 3 more times, finish with 1 st in garter st. On next row from RS P 1 st on each side of the first 4 and last 4 markers, and K 1 st on each side of the other 9 markers – AT THE SAME TIME on this row, inc 1 st on each side of the last 4 and first 4 markers – inc on each side of the 2 P sts by making 1 YO which is worked twisted in moss st on next row. Continue inc every 6th row until finished measurements. When edge measures 13-15-17 cm, work short rows in one side towards mid back for collar. Work as follows (work and inc as before with moss st and stocking st - beg mid back): Work 36-38-40 sts, turn and work back, work 34-36-38 sts, turn and work back, work 32-34-36 sts, turn and work back, continue like this by working 2 sts less a total of 10-11-12 times, then work 3 sts less a total of 5 times, cut the thread and work the same way in the other side. Then K 1 row over all sts before loosely casting off with K.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles.
Cast on 42-44-48 sts on double pointed needles size 5 mm with Nepal. Insert 1 marker at beg of round = mid under sleeve. P 1 round and K 1 round. Continue with MOSS ST - see explanation above. When piece measures 12 cm, K 1 round and P 1 round, continue in stocking st until finished measurements. At the same time when piece measures 15 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker mid under sleeve. Repeat inc every 5-4-3 cm 6-8-10 more times = 56-62-70 sts. When piece measures 49 cm, cast off 6 sts mid under sleeve and work back and forth until finished measurements. Then cast off for sleeve cap at beg of every row in each side: 2 sts 2 times and 1 st 5 times, then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 58 cm, then cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side. Cast off the remaining sts, sleeve measures approx. 59 cm.

Sew one collar part to half the shoulder/neck at the back and sew the other collar part to the other half of the shoulder/neck – beg at the marker inserted between armhole and shoulder and pull the collar somewhat when sewing it on, use what is needed of the collar vertically to make the collar parts come tog mid back, then sew the rest of the 2 collar parts tog edge to edge towards each other – see arrows in measurement chart.
Sew in sleeves. Close the jacket with a pin or brooch.




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أقرا ايضا
فست تريكو سهل وأنيق بغرزة الطوق مشغول بشكل دائرى بالباترون
فست تريكو قصير مشغول من فوق لتحت بغرزة لاسيه بالباترون
باترون تريكو حريمى لجاكت بنص كم ورسمة جاكار على الصدر
باترون تريكو لجاكت حريمى بحواف لاسيه وحزام على الوسط
جاكيت تريكو جميل
جاكت تريكو حريمى رقيق مشغول على شكل دائرة بالباترون
بوليرو تريكو نسائى مشغول بشكل حلزونى بالباترون
بلوفر تريكو حريمى بحردة رجلان مشغول من أعلى إلى الأسفل بالباترون
طقم مكون من بونشو وقبعة ورست تريكو بباترون جاكار جميل
شال تريكو قصير للبنات بالباترون

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