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 عنوان المشاركة: باترون بلوفر تريكو بناتى كاجوال بالبليسيه الإنجليزى
مرسل: الأحد مايو 05, 2013 7:49 am 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

باترون بلوفر تريكو بناتى كاجوال بالبليسيه الإنجليزى

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

باترون بلوفر تريكو بناتى كاجوال بالبليسيه الإنجليزى

Knitted jumper in English Rib


Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Materials:Colour no 13, red/orange/grey:200-250-250-300-300-350 g
And use:Colour no 02, dark brown:150-150-150-200-200-200 g

CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 6 mm (80 cm) - or size needed to get 15 sts x 19 rows in stocking st with 1 thread of each yarn = 10 x 10 cm (12 sts in English rib = width 10 cm).
CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 5 mm (60 cm) - for rib

BODY IN ENGLISH RIB (in the round on circular needle):
ROUND 1: * 1 YO, slip 1 st as if to P, K 1 *, repeat from *-*.
ROUND 2: * P tog YO and slipped st, 1 YO, slip 1 st as if to P *, repeat from *-*.
ROUND 3: * 1 YO, slip 1 st as if to P, K tog YO and slipped st *, repeat from *-*.
Repeat 2nd and 3rd round upwards.

When counting the sts, the YOs are not counted as sts.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows.

SLEEVE IN ENGLISH RIB (back and forth on needle):
Row 1 (= RS): 1 edge st in garter st, * K 1, 1 YO, slip 1 st as if to P *, repeat from *-* until 1 st remains, finish with 1 edge st in garter st.
Row 2: 1 edge st, * K tog YO and slipped st, 1 YO, slip 1 st as if to P *, repeat from *-* until 1 st remains, finish with 1 edge st in garter st. Repeat 2nd row upwards.

INCREASE TIP (applies to sleeve):
Inc 1 st inside 1 edge st in each side of piece. Inc 1 st by making 1 YO, on next row work YO twisted i.e. work in back loop of st instead front. NOTE: Work the inc sts in English rib.

Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 112-126-140-154-168-182 sts on circular needle size 5 mm with 1 thread of each yarn. Work next round as follows: * P 2, K 1, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1 *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 16-18-20-22-24-26 sections with 2 P sts. Work K over K and P over P until piece measures 5-5-5-6-6-6 cm. On next round dec 1 st in every section with 2 P by P 2 tog (= 16-18-20-22-24-26 sts dec) = 96-108-120-132-144-156 sts. Then switch to circular needle size 6 mm and work BODY IN ENGLISH RIB - see explanation above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION!
Continue until piece measures approx. 39-40-41-42-43-44 cm - NOTE: Finish with 3rd round in English rib. Insert 1 marker in each side of piece as follows: Insert 1 marker at beg of round and 1 marker after 48-54-60-66-72-78 sts (round beg in the side) NOTE: YOs are not counted as 1 st - READ ENGLISH RIB ST. On next round (= 2nd round in English rib) cast off 3-3-3-4-4-4 sts on each side of markers for armholes (= 42-48-54-58-64-70 sts on front and back piece). Cut the thread, put piece aside and knit the sleeves.

Worked back and forth on circular needle. Loosely cast on 28-30-30-32-32-34 sts on circular needle size 5 mm with 1 thread of each yarn. Work first row (= WS) as follows: 1 edge st in garter st, * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-* until 1 st remains, finish with 1 edge st in garter st. Continue rib like this for 5 cm. Then switch to circular needle size 6 mm and work in English rib with 1 edge st in garter st in each side - Read SLEEVE IN ENGLISH RIB above. When piece measures 12-12-11-11-8-8 cm, inc 1 st in each side - read INCREASE TIP above. Repeat inc every 15-15-11-11-8-8 cm 1-1-2-2-3-3 more times in total (= 2-2-3-3-4-4 times) = 32-34-36-38-40-42 sts. When piece measures 42-42-41-41-40-40 cm, cast off for sleeve cap from RS as follows: Cast off 3-3-2-3-4-4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows = 26-28-32-32-32-34 sts, cut the thread. Knit another sleeve the same way.

Worked in the round on circular needle. Slip sleeves on to same circular needle size 6 mm as body where armholes were cast off = 136-152-172-180-192-208 sts. Then work English rib in the round. When yoke measures 18-19-20-21-22-23 cm from where body and sleeves were placed tog, switch to circular needle size 5 mm and work 1 round in rib (= K 1/P 1, work YO tog with sts) over all sts. On next round, dec as follows: * K 2 twisted tog (in back loop of st), P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 68-76-86-90-96-104 sts. Continue with K over K and P over P until yoke measures 21-22-23-24-25-26 cm, then loosely cast off all sts with K over K and P over P.

Sew the sleeve seams inside 1 edge st. Sew the opening under the sleeves.


دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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باترون بونشو تريكو بناتى بسيط وسهل الإنجليزى
شال إسكارف تريكو لبنات الجامعة بالبليسيه الإنجليزى بالباترون
بلوفر تريكو كاجوال بغرزة الطوق والغرز الساقطة بالباترون
بلوفر تريكو نسائى كاجوال واسع بفتحتين من الجنب بالباترون
جاكت تريكو كاجوال بناتى بجيوب ورقبة شال وكوع مرقع بالباترون
بلوفر تريكو بناتى بغرزة الطوق والغرز الساقطة بالباترون
باترون جاكت تريكو للسيدات بالباترون كاجوال وكلاسيكى
بلوفر تريكو بناتى روعة برقبة مدورة وغرزة لاسية بالباترون
باترون بلوفر تريكو للفتيات بغرز ساقطة مناسب للمبتدئين

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