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 عنوان المشاركة: تونيك تريكو بنص كم وباترون جاكار بالباترون
مرسل: السبت مايو 04, 2013 6:42 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

تونيك تريكو بنص كم وباترون جاكار بالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تونيك تريكو بنص كم وباترون جاكار بالباترون لتتألقى فى كل الأوقات

Knitted tunic with short sleeves, round yoke and pattern


Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Materials: Colour no 0618, camel:
400-450-500-550-600-650 g
Colour no 0206, light beige:
150 g for all sizes
Colour no 3720, medium pink:
50 g for all sizes

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 5 mm - or size needed to get 17 sts x 22 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40 cm) SIZE 4 mm – for rib.

See diagrams A-1 to A-4 – the diagrams show 1 repetition of the pattern. Diagrams A-2 to A-4 are worked in stocking st.

Worked in the round on circular needle.
LOOSELY cast on 176-192-208-224-240-256 sts on circular needle size 5 mm with camel (it is important to cast on loosely to avoid a tight cast on edge). P 1 round, K 1 round and P 1 round. Continue with diagram A-1 (= 11-12-13-14-15-16 repetitions on the round). When A-1 has been worked, 154-168-182-196-210-224 sts remain on needle. Continue in stocking st - AT THE SAME TIME insert a marker at beg of round and a marker after 77-84-91-98-105-112 sts (these marks the sides). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 15 cm, dec 1 st on each side of each marker, repeat dec every 6-6-6-8-12-19 cm 4-4-4-3-2-1 more time = 134-148-162-180-198-216 sts. When piece measures 43-45-46-47-48-49 cm, work diagram A-2 one time vertically – AT THE SAME TIME, evenly on 1st round, dec 2 sts in size S and inc 2 sts in size M = 132-150-162-180-198-216 sts. AT THE SAME TIME on last round, cast off 8 sts in each side for all sizes (i.e. 4 sts on each side of every marker) = 116-134-146-164-182-200 sts, cut the thread. Piece measures approx. 49-51-52-53-54-55 cm.
Put piece aside and work the sleeve edges.

Worked in the round on a short circular needle.
Cast on 68-68-68-76-76-80 sts on circular needle size 4 mm with camel. Work 5 rounds rib = K 2/P 2. Then K 1 round while at the same time dec 8-8-8-10-10-8 sts evenly = 60-60-60-66-66-72 sts. Finally K 1 round while at the same time casting off the first 8 sts for armhole = 52-52-52-58-58-64 sts, cut the thread. Knit another sleeve edge.

Slip sleeve edges on to same circular needle as body where armholes were cast off = 220-238-250-280-298-328 sts. Then beg every round from mid back – insert a marker here. Work 1 round with camel while at the same time adjusting the no of sts to 220-242-242-264-286-308. Continue with 0-0-2-4-6-9 rounds in camel before working diagram A-3 (= 10-11-11-12-13-14 repetitions on the round). After A-3, there are 200-220-220-240-260-280 sts on needle. Work 1 round with camel while at the same time dec 10-20-10-20-30-40 sts evenly = 190-200-210-220-230-240 sts. Continue with diagram A-4. When A-4 has been worked, there are 76-80-84-88-92-96 sts on needle. Work with camel until finished measurements. Yoke measures approx. 21-21-22-23-24-25 cm vertically. Then work an elevation in back of neck as follows in stocking st with camel: K 7 sts past marker mid back, turn, tighten thread and P 14 sts back, turn, tighten thread and K 21 sts, turn, continue to work 7 sts more on every turn until a total of 56-56-56-70-70-70 sts have been worked, turn and K 1 round until mid back again.

Switch to circular needle size 4 mm. K 1 round with camel while at the same time inc 8 sts evenly = 84-88-92-96-100-104 sts. Continue with rib = K 2/P 2 for 3 cm, then cast off with K over K and P over P.




دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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