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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بطانية من التريكو بالوان جذابة مشغولة بالطريقة الحلزونية
Knitted blanket worked in a spiral

Measurements: approx. 95 x 130 cm Materials: 550 g colour no 15, turquoise/burgundy/beige
STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 5 mm - or size needed to get 19 sts x 38 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm.
TIP FOR SWITCHING THREADS: To make the colour transitions in Delight pretty when switching ball, it is important to find a ball that starts with the same colour last ball ended with.
SHORT ROWS: Work 1 row over the first 22 sts, turn and work back. Work 1 row over the first 21 sts, turn and work back. Continue with short rows, work 1 st less every time until 2 rows have been worked only over the first st. Then work 1 row over the first 2 sts, turn and work back, 1 row over the first 3 sts, turn and work back. Continue like this by working 1 st more every time until 1 row has been worked over the first 22 sts, turn and work back. 1 repetition with short rows = 86 rows. ----------------------------------------------------------
BLANKET: The whole blanket is worked in garter st, i.e. K all rows. READ TIP FOR SWITCHING THREADS! Cast on 23 sts on needle size 5 mm with Delight, work in garter st for 35 cm. Then work 1 repetition with SHORT ROWS - see explanation above, K 2 rows over all sts and 1 repetition with short rows. * Then work 1 row over all sts (from RS), work next row as follows (from WS): Pick up the outermost st in front loop from previous stripe, work first st from left needle, pass the new st over, work the rest of row *. Repeat these two rows until 1 st has been knitted up in every ridge (1 ridge = 2 rows K) along the entire side from previous stripe. Work 1 repetition with short rows. Work 1 row over all sts (from RS), work next row as follows (from WS): Pick up the outermost st from cast on edge, work first st from left needle, pass the new st over, work the rest of row. Repeat these 2 rows until 1 st has been knitted up in every st along the entire side from cast on edge. [Work 1 repetition with short rows, repeat from *-*]. Continue like this from [-] in the round - see chart = A.1 - until blanket measures approx. 95 x 130 cm, cast off.

Explanation to pattern diagram
