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 عنوان المشاركة: بلوفر سبور روعة من التريكو للرجال بالباترون
مرسل: الخميس أكتوبر 17, 2013 9:17 pm 
غير متصل
عضو متالق
عضو متالق
اشترك في: الثلاثاء مارس 12, 2013 8:24 pm
مشاركات: 655

بلوفر سبور روعة من التريكو للرجال بالباترون


http://parijanka.info/mujskie-modeli/in ... 57-bdf-550
MEN'S SWEATER 157 (Berger)

(With sleeves, hammers :)

Dimensions : 2) 40/42 3) 44/46 4) 48/50 5) 52/54

Yarn BERLAINE (50g/90m, 100% wool, suitable for washing and drying machine) color Violine - 13-14-15-17 coils

Spokes number 3 and № 3.5

4 buttons


? gum 3/2, number 3, and the spokes № 3.5. hinges on the number that is divisible by 5 and 3 +.

1st p. (Lits.storona) * 3 lits.p., izn.p. 2 *, repeat from * to *, end 3 lits.p.

2nd p. : * 3 izn.p., lits.p. 2 *, repeat from * to *, end 3 izn.p.

Repeat these 2 rows.

? front surface of the spokes № 3.5

Density of breeding

A square of side 10 cm lits.gladyu n = 22 and 28, p.

A square of side 10 cm band 3/2, slightly stretched, the spokes № 3.5 = 23 sts and 28 p.

Remark . Work even thinner spokes, if you got less loops and rows than you need in the sample. Work even thicker spokes otherwise.



Dial 113-123-127-137 sts on needle number 3 and knit elastic band 3/2, starting with:

2) and 3) in the description of the pattern gum;

4) and 5) izn.p. 2, followed by description of the gum pattern.

On a total height of 5 cm (16 p.) Keep the spokes № 3.5 as follows: § 30-30-32-37 band 3/2, Section 55-61-65-65 lits.gladyu are distributed in the 1st row 2) 4) 5) gain 2, 3) 2 dec.; finished 30-30-32-37 paragraph band 3/2, from 2 izn.p. (Total n = 115-121-129-139).


On an overall height of 42-42-43-43 cm (120-120-124-124 p.) Close to each side:

2) 1x3 on, 8x1 section in each 2-m p., 8x1 section in each 4-m p.

3) 1x3 on, 6x1 section in each 2-m p.; 10x1 ae every 4th district.

4) 1x3 on, 6x1 section in each 2-m p.; 11h1 item in every 4th district.

5) 1x4 on, 6x1 section in each 2-m p.; 12x1 ae every 4th district.


After the last dec raglan knit 2 more rows on the remaining 77-83-89-95 sts, then close on each side of each 2-m p.:

2) 4x3 section, subsection 3 3x4) 1x3 on, 6x4 point 4) 6x4 on, 1x5 point 5) 4x4 p, n 3x5

Close the remaining 29-29-31-33 sts for neckline.


Start knitting the same as for the backrest.

Raglan and the incision:

On an overall height of 42-42-43-43 cm (120-120-124-124 p.) Close to each side, as well as on the back, but at the same time close to 5 central hinge recess and continue

each side separately.

The neck:

At the height of 16-17-18-20 cm from the beginning raglan (164-168-176-180 p. Overall height) close by the throat in each 2-m p. 1 times 8-8-9-10 n, 1 2 n times 2 times 1 pt


After the last dec raglan knit 2 more rows on the remaining 24-27-29-31 sts, then close all the loops.

Right-hand man

Dial 62-64-66-68 sts on needle number 3 and knit elastic band 3/2, starting with:

2) 2 izn.p., followed by the description of the pattern;

3) 1 lits.p. instead of 3;

4) 2 lits.p. instead of 3;

5) in the description of the pattern

On a total height of 5 cm (16 p.) Continue working on the spokes № 3.5, adding since the 1st row on each side for 1 point from the edge:

2) 5x1 section in each 8-m p., 12x1 ae every 6 p.

3) 2x1 section in each 8-m p., 16x1 ae every 6 p.

4) 16x1 each item in the 6th district., 4x1 section in each 4-m p.

5) 12x1 each item in the 6th district., 10x1 ae every 4th district.

96-100-106-112 will claim

On a total height of 45 cm (128 p.) Start forming raglan, closing on each side of each 2-m p.:

2) 1x3 p, n * 1x1, 1x2 p *, repeat 9 times from * to *, 5x1 p

3) 1x3 p, n * 1x1, 1x2 p *, repeat 11 times from * to *, 1x1 p

4) 1x3 p, n * 1x1, 1x2 p *, repeat 12 times from * to *, 1x1 p

5) 1x4 p, n * 1x1, 1x2 p *, repeat 13 times from * to *.

Continue knitting the remaining 26 item within 10-11-12-13 cm (26-30-34-36 p.) For

"Feet" shoulder, and then close the right in each 2-m p. 1x8 forth, 2x9 p


Complete the "foot" shoulder in the mirror.


Dial 55-55-60-65 sts on needle number 3 and 9 rows knit band 3/2 from 4 lits.p. instead of 3. Leave the loop on the sidelines.

However , the left bar, at mid-height, open loops 4 of claim 3, 1st paragraph for 5 from the edge of the cap, the remaining distance to claim 11-11-12-13


Dial 105-110-115-120 sts on needle number 3 and knit 6 cm (20 p.) Band 3/2 from 4 lits.p. instead of 3. Leave the loop on the sidelines.


Follow the on-line raglan seams, including the "feet" between the shoulders back and before. Sew a seam kettelnym collar on neck edge, then cut along the strip by placing the bar on the left and right When sewing along their short sides 5 closed loop transmit exactly in the middle.

Follow the sleeve seams and side seams pullover.

Sew on buttons.

رد مع اقتباس

 عنوان المشاركة: Re: بلوفر سبور روعة
مرسل: الجمعة أكتوبر 18, 2013 10:09 pm 
غير متصل
مراقب عام
مراقب عام
اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

روعه فعلا وبسيط

دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


رد مع اقتباس

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